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ing more than 12 deep.In the build-up there’d been rumours of violent protests: lumps of coal Wedding Wraps Christmas Day Sale , symbolising the fury of the miners, would be thrown at her coffin.In the event, roses were the only things thrown.Some estimates put the number of people on the streets at 100,000.A low figure, perhaps, if compared with a major royal occasion; the wedding of the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge is thought to have attracted a million.But this was for a prime minister, and on a working day.On the pavements of the Strand, outside St Clement Danes the church of the RAF there was barely room to breathe.before the hearse was due to arrive.Men climbed railings to see above the massed heads.Children clambered on to the bench of the bus shelter.Office balconies thronged.People shifted restlessly, desperate for a view.As the coffin was borne down the steps into the light of the day, the crowds outside gave three cheers.Like the applause that had followed the coffin on its journey to St Paul’s, the cheers were spontaneous.Many people wore suits or dark dress; some were in bowler hats and tweed.One man had brought his pet Chihuahua, Cindy; even it was in black, clad in a tiny coat with Good night inscribed across it.All along the barriers and around the church stood police; hundreds of police.On first glance an intimidating sight, but the effect was somehow softened by the fact that every one of them was wearing spotless white gloves, like magicians’.In front of the church loomed the statue of Sir Arthur Bomber Harris, the chief of RAF Bomber Command in the Second World War.Glaring sternly, hands folded behind his back, he seemed to be wearing a look that said anyone intent on violence would have him to answer to.The hearse arrived to applause.Then, as the coffin was carried into the church by the bearer party, there rose a sea of arms, as each mourner struggled to establish a clear view for his or her camera phone.While the service was under way inside, the crowds stood silent.A breeze ruffled hair.Raindrops dabbed cheeks.Then there sounded the dolorous clang of the bell.The coffin was carried out of the church and placed on the gun carriage.And, as the procession began to the pound, pound, pound of a cloth-muffled drum there was applause once more.I glanced at the elderly woman standing alongside me.Her face was a mask of tears.After the procession had moved on, many people stayed where they were, reflecting on what they’d seen.It was wonderful, said Richard Barnes, 69, a retired farmer.From all the stories this week you’d have thought there’d be twice as many protesters as supporters, but it’s been nothing like it.placard across the road, and that’s it.He’d have seen more protesters further along the route but not many.Some turned their backs on the procession.Some brandished placards, attacking the cost of the funeral.Some waved milk bottles, as a reminder of the old taunt, Maggie Thatcher, milk snatcher .Some shouted: Maggie Bridal Petticoats Christmas Day Sale , Maggie, Maggie, dead, dead, dead.A few, bizarrely, squabbled with each other ( You’ve ruined this protest!Lady Thatcher’s enemies, fighting among themselves: it was like the 1980s all over again.For each and every minute of the journey from St Clement Danes, a gun salute was fired.At last the procession came to a halt at St Paul’s.At 11am sharp, the 2,000 guests inside the cathedral, including the Queen, the Prime Minister, and Lady Thatcher’s children, Sir Mark and Carol Thatcher, rose as one.Lady Thatcher’s grandchildren, Michael, 24, and Amanda, 19, walked ahead of the coffin.Following the first hymn, He Who Would Valiant Be, Amanda Thatcher gave a reading, from Ephesians 6 10-18.How young she looked up there, tiny and alone.To begin with, her voice cracked and quavered, but she did not let the occasion, or the emotion, overcome her.Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the Devil, she read, voice strengthening with every line.Her words echoed through the huge, booming silence.The second reading came from David Cameron, John 14 1-6 ( I am the way, the truth and the life ).He read steadily and solemnly.His wife Samantha, wearing a pussy-bow blouse in tribute to Lady Thatcher Bridal Gloves Christmas Day Sale , watched him from the pews.The address was given by The Bishop of London, the Rt Rev Richard Chartres.It was well judged, well written, well spoken.After the storm of a life lived in the heat of political controversy, he said, there is a great calm.The storm of conflicting opinions centres on the Mrs Thatcher who became a symbolic figure, even an ’ism’.Today the remains of the real Margaret Hilda Thatcher are here at her funeral service.Lying here, she is one of us.The television camera cut to George Osborne, the Chancellor.Down his cheeks, tears glistened.Out in Ludgate Hill, while all this was going on, a small group of the most dedicated admirers gathered around a portable radio.Clutching printed copies of the order of service, they sang along to every hymn.After the prayers, the choir in St Paul’s sang In Paradisum, from the Requiem Mass by Gabriel Faure; then the congregation joined them for the patriotic hymn I Vow to Thee, My Country.The Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, gave the blessing.Support us, O Lord, all the day long of this troublous life, he intoned, until the shadows lengthen and the evening comes, the busy world is hushed, the fever of life is over and our work is done.lodging, a holy rest, and peace at the last.Finally, as the Queen looked on, the coffin was carried out of the cathedral by the bearer party.Then, something remarkable.As much as appreciation, they may have been an expression of relief; relief that a day that had been threatened by protest and violence had instead passed with dignity.A respectful procession followed by a moving service.No hysteria, no hyperbole.Of course there had been pomp and pageantry: the uniforms, the military bands, the towering grandeur of St Paul’s.But in its own way the occasion was understated or as cl.

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