The Word of God Holistic Wellness Institute

"Helping The World DISCOVER THE WAY of LOVE!"

Millions of people have all over the world sleep apnea, which some people refer

CPAP is the only way to treat sleep apnea?

Millions of people have all over the world sleep apnea, which some people refer to "snoring on steroids." Snoring is a major health problem, and not just because the risk of taking the couple Affairs bed without sleeping in their hands.


Snoring, sleep apnea and sleep breathing problems and potentially damaging to health. Adults who snore are more susceptible to Alzheimer's disease. Children who snore are more susceptible to ADHD.


People who do not breathe normally at night up to 68 percent more likely to develop cancer as a result of lack of oxygen in his blood stream. They are more likely to be heart problems obese or get. As their lungs can not achieve enough oxygen into PhenQ  the blood again and again during the night, your heart has to work harder. This increases blood pressure, which leads to hardening of the arteries. Kidney and gravel, which filter the blood and urine extract more more. People who sleep poorly because of breathing problems often have to get up to go to the bathroom and one, two or three times a night, and not because of drinking plenty of water before going to sleep, but because his snoring and snoring kidney forces to work seriously Larger.


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