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How to Create a Faux Antique Paint Finish
First, you'll need to select the color of paint you'll use for the antiquing. For most projects, this is a dark metallic gold or bronze, though some projects look great with solid black or brown paints.
Play around moncler outlet with the possibilities a bit basically, any color that's darker than the one that the piece is painted will do. Colors like black, dark brown and dark green offer a convincing age patina, but using the same color as the piece but a few shades darker can create a stunning faded look for the overall piece.
If possible, try this technique with a piece of scrap moncler outlet store that's painted or stained the same color as the larger piece you'd like to antique.
Supplies you'll need for an antiqued paint finishLet's get started. You'll need a wide paintbrush, paint for both the base coat and the antiquing coat, and several paper towels. The size of the project and the amount of antiquing you need to do will determine how many paper towels will be needed, but be sure that you have plenty on hand. If you have oilbased paint, you will also need a clear oil base to thin the paint as it will need to flow easily do not use paint thinners for this as the paint thinner could damage the base coat. Waterbased paints will need only a little bit of water.
And here we go, step by step:Paint your item with the base coat or coats. Make sure that the base color or colors are exactly as you want them to be and let the paint dry thoroughly. Once your base is completely dry (the time will vary, if in doubt consult the label for the manufacturer's time estimate) you're ready to prepare the paint for antiquing. Some types of crafts may require a light matte coating before antiquing, an allpurpose sprayon coat works well for this as it only needs to prevent any excess staining of the base coat of paint.
Start with a goodsized dollop of paint in a small dish you won't be able to use a flat pallet for this one. Mix in some water or clear oil base until the paint flows easily and just barely sticks to the sides of the dish when it's sloshed. The consistency should be similar to whipping cream.
Wet the brush with water and tap the excess water off. With a wet brush, apply a generous layer of the prepared antiquing paint over a portion of your project. Make sure the paint covers the portion completely and gets well into any cracks.
Wipe the section off with a dry paper towel, making sure all flat areas are thoroughly wiped. Do not push the paper towel into cracks to completely remove the paint, just wipe over the top of them to soak up any excess paint that could run.
Repeat for the entire project, doing a small portion at a time so that the paint doesn't dry before you moncler outlet online have a chance to wipe it away.
This technique works well for unpainted wood as well. Make sure you're using a waterbased paint as the varnish could pull away from oilbased paints. Apply the antiquing coat in between coats of varnish, again taking care that the paint is completely dry before varnishing over the top of it.
Thank you for taking the time to read my hub, and I hope that it has been helpful to you. Would you also like a howto for crackle painting that involves cheap, readily available materials and none of that really expensive crackle medium? If so, please leave me a comment and I'll get that hub in the works. Do you know some tips and tricks I haven't mentioned? Feel free to share those too the more the merrier.
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