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Chengdu is depicted appearing in a poem as "Chengdu Landscape, residence of giant pandas and city about cotton-rose hibiscus. Benefiting from Dujiangyan Irrigation Project which was constructed from 256 B.C., Sichuan Province is truly reputed as "Tian Fu Zhi Guo", literally a residence richly endowed accompanied by natural resources. Sampling the celebrated Sichuan cuisine is now a must on your a trip that will help Chengdu. Taking part in the food as well as the culture, shopping but having tea attending a teahouse have a deeper realizing of Chengdu.
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(1). The Thousand-Island Lake is related to 130 km from Hangzhou, 130 km from Mount Huang (Huangshan). Numerous travel agents order the "Hangzhou - Thousand-Island Lake 3 . Mount Huang" road to the people.
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