The Word of God Holistic Wellness Institute

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Better Than a Paid Survive The End Days Bond Claim

When most people hear about estate planning, they think that it is exclusively for multimillionaires and families with old money. This couldn't be further from the truth. Planning ahead simply ensures that the wealth and property that you have built up over your entire life is Survive The End Days protected after you can no longer take care of it. Some might argue that protecting your wealth is even more important for those who do not have a lot of it. Here are two of the biggest reasons that estate planning is something that everyone needs to consider.

You work hard for the money you have earned, and you should control what happens to it, in life and in death. Unfortunately, over 55 percent of Americans die without ever writing a will. This number jumps to over 90 percent for people under the age of 35. Dying without a will means that the laws of your state will control what happens to your property. If you have a longtime partner but are not legally married, they will have no right to any money upon your death. Instead, it would go to your closest surviving family member, even if it is your weird second cousin who you never got along with. If you don't think you have enough in the way of assets to make a will worthwhile, you should reconsider. The average U.S. estate is worth nearly $180,000. If you don't have any family or don't want to leave your money to them, your will can designate a specific charity, school, or program as the recipient.

When most people think of estate planning, they think of wills and trusts, as discussed above. But it is actually much more complex than that. A proper testament can control who will obtain guardianship of your children if there are no parents in the picture. It can give instructions for medical emergencies, such as organ donation, steps to take in the event of a coma, and "do not resuscitate" orders. If you no longer possess the mental ability to properly care for yourself, it designates someone to watch over you. Estate planning can even make sure that a beloved pet is properly cared for if you die.

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