The Word of God Holistic Wellness Institute

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The Diabetes Escape Plan - Diabetes Free Life

While some diabetics can manage their blood sugar levels with just oral medication, others need insulin. You will be guided by your medical team as to the best course for you personally. Diabetes is a truly global problem, and a very serious disease which is tough to tackle. Diabetes is no respecter of age, class or race and is on the rise, both in men, and women, young and old. The key to managing diabetes is knowledge, so try to equip yourself with the information you need to control your diabetes The Diabetes Escape Plan Review properly. A recent study from the journal Public Health reported obesity as being a greater health risk than smoking, drinking or poverty. Obesity was more closely associated with major illnesses and a poorer quality-of-life in comparison to people that smoked, drank, or lived in poverty. Researchers found that half of the people who are obese have an additional chronic condition such as heart disease, cancer or diabetes. This study was based on a telephone survey of 10,000 Americans and used only body mass index to assess obesity and overweight. Regardless, the results are cause for great concern.

You must also keep in mind that some individuals may fit into more than one category, and sometimes even all of the categories. However, the researchers stated that more people are overweight or obese than are, collectively, daily smokers, problem drinkers or living below the poverty line. Of course, being in more than one category puts your health status at an even greater disadvantage. Obesity is a huge burden on the health care system now and will be even more so in the near future. It is a largely a preventable disease however it is a medical condition in many cases. This is very unfortunate but it is not something that should be dismissed as static. You can make a change or you can help someone make a change toward healthier living. One of the authors said the survey "demonstrates that public health officials should intensify their fight against obesity to levels that at least match the public health campaign against smoking".

Commonly Heard Diabetes Mellitus Misconceptions As with most diseases there is a great deal of misinformation surrounding diabetes and here are 8 of the most commonly heard myths when it comes to diabetes: Diabetes sufferers cannot eat candy or chocolate. There The Diabetes Escape Plan is no reason at all why people with diabetes should not eat candy and chocolate, or indeed such things as cakes and sweet desserts, as long as these are eaten in moderation and form just one part of a normal healthy diet plan. Diabetes sufferers cannot exercise or perform strenuous work. It is more important for diabetics to exercise regularly to keep fit and their body weights in check. In fact, an Austrian mountaineer Geri Winkler became the first insulin-dependent diabetic to reach the top of Mount Everest in May 2006.

Eating too much sugar can actually cause diabetes. Although the causes of diabetes are not fully understood, excessive consumption of sugar is certainly not one of them. In general it is believed that diabetes is genetic in origin and is triggered by a combination of environmental and lifestyle factors. Eating too much sugar could of course lead to an individual gaining weight and excessive weight is certainly one factor that can increase the risk of developing type II diabetes. It is however the excess weight that you are carrying and not the sugar that can trigger diabetes.

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