Holistic Wellness and Health Services
Nutrition is essentially important... Boasting your immune system with anti-oxidants and alkalyizing your body aides your body in healing itself and staying healthy!
We are hosting a
Wellness Celebration at the
Los Angeles Firefighters in
Benevolence Association (AFIBA) for family, friends and everyone throughout the greater .
Come one, come all!
Bring those who are sick and afflicted with cancer, diabetes, hypertension, weight and skin problems.
All are welcome with questions concerning health, wealth and wisdom... Whatever problems you may have if we can't assist you, we'll find someone that can help you. "Whatever you need, you've got it!"
We offer
Wellness Celebrations in your home, business or nearest hotel; celebrating life, health and the pursuit of happiness... Refreshments are served with soft music. Health information is shared by doctors and/or allied health professionals and exchanged... Low cost services and products are introduced and raffled, free.
Samples, door prizes and raffled gifts are presented to fortunate participants! And, one blessed individual receives up to 90% of an offering collected from all involved; not in cash, but in services paid for by the
"Benevolent Fund"! This fund supports legimate health, educational and social services needs and an application must be filled out, qualifications met and approved for funding to take place.
If you want to invite your family and friends, you earn as a host
50% of all services and
10% of all products sold. A
$25 BioPhotonic Scan and a
$150 Facial is free for the host, during the event only! You also will receive a financed e-commmerce web site with
over 200 products you can earn money from and a free vacation if you qualify!
If you are interested in hosting an event, sharing information/services/products or volunteering, give us a call at
(323) 73-LIGHT (5-4448).
RSVP for Our First 2009 New Year's Holistic Wellness Celebration! to add comments!
Join The Word of God Holistic Wellness Institute