Sidestep Skin Cancer
Caffeine + Cardio
Research shows that caffeine and exercise both have anticancer properties. Combined, they offer powerful protection against skin cancer. In research on animals exposed to UVB radiation, Rutgers University scientists learned the pairing increased the animals' ability to destroy skin cancer cells by up to 4 times. Allan H. Conney, PhD, the director of the laboratory for cancer research at the Ernest Mario School of Pharmacy at Rutgers, suspects that caffeine inhibits ATR-1, a genetic pathway that prevents damaged cells from self-destructing. Both caffeine and exercise also decrease tissue fat, which research shows helps cells deconstruct.
Have a cup, then walk: Drink a strong cup of coffee an hour before exercise, recommends Monique Ryan, RD, a registered dietitian and author of Sports Nutrition for Endurance Athletes. (If your blood pressure is elevated, skip the caffeine.) Caffeine can also increase endurance and delay fatigue--helping you walk longer and stronger. Just don't forget the sunscreen.