The Word of God Holistic Wellness Institute

"Helping The World DISCOVER THE WAY of LOVE!"

Fat Diminisher System Review

The first strategy of my Fun Factor Diet is to Always Go the Extra Smile. Smiling is a deliberate and controllable behavior that almost always calms inner stress and attracts outward fun. Smiling unleashes the natural medicine of humor anytime and anywhere because it has a profound physical and emotional impact. The key is to increase your conscious effort to smile constantly, especially when there is nothing in particular to smile about. Before you begin an activity, you remind yourself to smile first; before each conversation, you remind yourself to smile. You'll soon be wearing a genuine smile on your face everywhere you go because the good results you experience will create a self-fulfilling prophecy.

And here is the beautifully powerful weight loss secret behind the first Fun Factor Diet strategy: your internal physiology is fooled by your smile. Whether spontaneous or forced, your body thinks you're having fun when you smile, whether you are or not, because smiling activates the pleasure centers of your brain. By smiling you literally become more physically relaxed and enjoy a greater sense of fulfillment and enjoyment. The amazing benefit of this Fun Factor Diet tactic is that the lessening of your internal agitation decreases your cravings to eat when you're not really hungry. And, as a bonus, your smile attracts more social attention - leaving you less time to stuff yourself because people are mysteriously attracted to you without quite knowing why. By Going the Extra Smile you're well on your way to weight loss by filling your emotional void with fun rather than food!

Step two in my Fun Factor Diet is to Be Willing to Laugh with Yourself. This is not a step of humiliation or self-denigration because those things are definitely not fun; it is a strategy of being willing to take yourself lightly. Easing your harsh expectations you impose on yourself, Fat Diminisher System relaxing some of your self-administered pressure, sets the stage for astounding personal gains (or in your case personal "losses") At this stage of my Fun Factor Diet, you will make a deliberate effort to take yourself and your expectations less seriously. You will adopt a kindlier stance toward your fears and inconsistencies because you have been much too hard on yourself. The results will be a dramatic lightness (both figuratively and literally) of mind, body, and spirit.

Freed from the tyranny of your unrealistic expectations, you will be able to relax and have more fun. Things you have dreaded doing in the past will become enjoyable activities because you won't have expectations of perfection. Combined with your commitment to Go the Extra Smile, you will find your use of food to calm and comfort yourself almost extinguished because taking yourself lightly helps you see yourself as, literally, less "heavy." The third step in my Fun Factor Diet makes the most dramatic difference in your actual eating habits and provides the mechanics of your weight loss. The employment of my Fun Commandment, Stay Focused, yet Flexible, keeps you grounded in the moment, the here and now, because it challenges you to give 100% attention to what you are doing right now.

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