The Word of God Holistic Wellness Institute

"Helping The World DISCOVER THE WAY of LOVE!"

One of the questions I get asked most often is: "Cory, all the other pickup gurus force their students to approach every woman they see. Why don't you do this?" Text Your Ex Back Review

The short answer: It's creepy, and it's easier to do the prep work and have women come to you. It really is. I've watched guys who have been through other boot camps go up and approach almost every single woman in a bar.

What have they just done? They just sent an alarm out to everyone in that bar that they are extremely creepy. They obviously have no sense of connection, quality, or awareness. If you just go randomly talking to everybody, you come across as needy and it sends out a bad vibe to every woman in the place.

I am not saying that you can't be social; all I am saying is that if your intention is to go out to a bar just to talk to women then you will come across as creepy. I have seen it way too many times. Stop it now.

Here's what I do when I walk into a bar: I enter with power and presence... with a belief that "I'm the prize". This is projected to the entire room through my body language, my posture, and my eyes as soon as I walk in. I check everybody out. I gaze the entire room. I make eye contact with pretty much everyone in the place. I find the "sweet spot" which is the place where I can stand and gaze at the largest part of the room. I order a drink. I chill. I talk to whoever is around me where I'm standing and continue to gaze around the room even when I am talking.

Many guys go out and start a conversation Pound Melter Review with someone (which is fine) but they tend to give 100% attention to that person/conversation and get consumed in it. All this does is kills your chances of actually meeting anyone else. There could be a girl checking you out across the bar and you wouldn't even know it.

You always want to be aware of your surroundings at all times. Pick your head up and look around. If you are holding yourself well and are confident, women will check you out everywhere you go. There are thousands of women that want you right now but you need to do the right things to put your self out there so they can actually come to you.

I always check the vibe in the room. This is "awareness". It's like a commando sneaking into a highly-guarded facility. He doesn't just go in guns blazing. He waits, watches, and picks up on everything going on before he goes in. That's the way to do it.

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