The Word of God Holistic Wellness Institute

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Help!I’ve been bitten by a bat and also charged

ed that nothing had happened Discount Black Dresses , and my nephew was cleared of any wrongdoing.This was when my husband and I first found out about everything, and we begged her to get away from this man, his daughter, and the entire situation.She told us that she would, but that hasn’t happened.She’s still allowing her son and her boyfriend’s daughter to spend time together, and now she and her boyfriend are talking about moving in together.we cannot understand this at all.Or should we keep trying to convince her that her focus needs to be about protecting her son?A: Let’s stipulate the facts are just as you describe and that while this little girl has accused your nephew of touching her inappropriately, the accusation is not true.That means something is up with this child, and someone needs to get to the bottom of it.It could be someone else is touching her but she’s been warned not to ever say who.It could also be that in the course of having inappropriate touching explained to her, she was given alarming information and misunderstood it.However, your nephew has now twice been accused by the same girl, he has been investigated by the government, and I strongly agree with you that this is a very dangerous situation for him.Let’s assume he is not doing anything wrong.If this little girl is confused, or troubled in some way, he could become her target again, to devastating effect.If a third accusation arises, that might not go so well for him.There are juveniles on the sex offender registry, and your sister-in-law has to be cognizant of the jeopardy her son potentially faces.I think both you and your husband should sit down with her and present her with research about what could happen.Yes, she may be in love with her boyfriend, but her first obligation is to protect her child.RelatedDear Prudence: Help!I have a secret video of my CEO stealing lunches from the lunchroomDear Prudence: My future mother-in-law wants to wear her wedding dress at my nuptialsDear Prudence : Help!I’ve been bitten by a bat and also charged with soliciting a prostituteQ.Don’t Like Listening to Sister Beat Down Her Husband: My sister Discount Hot Selling Dresses , much as my mother does, likes to tear down her husband both to his face and to me in conversations.It makes me feel icky, and I try to change the subject.that I’m talking about here.I’m married, so I get that no matter how much you love your spouse, they can grate on you.I just don’t like to tear down my husband publicly, and if we have issues, I discuss them with him and/or a therapist.Is there a nice way to deflect this sort of conversation?If she really needs to talk something out, I listen, and I’ve suggested therapy, but I think she just wants to bitch.I never understood why Mom stayed in a marriage that made her so unhappy, and if you are so unhappy with Jeff, you should either get couples counseling or divorce him.He seems like a good guy to me, and you chose him.But maybe he’s the horrible person you paint him as being.If so, do something about it, instead of complaining endlessly, because I don’t want to hear it anymore.Stressed-Out Student: I’m a high school student going into my junior year.This year I applied for and was accepted into a public boarding school for high-ability students.I’ll be living there most of the year with the normal breaks and extended weekends every six weeks so I can see my family.My parents are amicably divorced, and I currently stay with my father every other weekend.The trouble is, my father still expects me to come home every other week despite my moving two hours away.While I love my dad, I don’t love his house and planned to come home only on breaks.Plus Discount Plus Size Dresses , I will be incredibly busy once I start at my new school.How do I explain to my dad that while I want to spend time with him, I don’t plan on coming home as often as he would like?A: Congratulations, this sounds like a great opportunity.You tell your father forthrightly that given the distances involved, and the load of work you will have, you simply can’t go back and forth every other weekend.You sit down with him with the school calendar, and you two together mark off the times you’ll be able to visit him (while obviously taking into account when you’ll visit your mother).You say that you hope he’ll be able to come up during the term some weekends so that you two could go out to dinner on a Saturday night, for example.You also tell him that Skype and Facetime were invented for people like you, and you look forward to taking advantage of the technology that will allow you to stay in regular touch.This is a dangerously volatile situation and the parents’ obligation is to look out for the long-term interests of their childrenQ.Re: Children’s Accusations: Prudie, I was a little surprised by your reply to this LW.Though in general I do agree with you (and her), it seems very clear from the letter that the SIL in question does not want to leave her boyfriend.And why/how exactly is this your problem to solve?LW may want to suggest that SIL get some counseling or extra support, but after that, she’ll have to leave it alone.I don’t think that telling SIL for the 101st time that she has to leave her boyfriend and put her child first is going to work this time.A: Likely the conversation won’t work.But they aren’t living together yet, and I think it’s important to make one more try at the sister-in-law seeing just how dangerous this is for her son.No matter how much this couple loves each other, they have two kids, and either one has been making false accusations or one has been touching the other inappropriately.That means that the children simply can’t spend time together, let alone live in the same house.Should I Let My Foster Child Call Me Mommy?I have legal guardianship of a child whose mother (a single mom) became permanently incapacitated following an accident.I regularly take the little girl to see her mom, who lives with her own parents needing full-time care.I sense that her real mom is hurt by this, although she.

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