Depending on your area, make the most of overages. Sometimes a coupon will create an overage because the coupon worth is greater than the product cost. Some stores will apply this overage as store credit, which can be carried over to the cost of other products, effectively giving you free products. You can use more than one coupon when you are making a purchase, it just has to be of a different item most of the time. Read the fine print to be sure of this, but in theory, you should be able to use a coupon for almost everything that you buy if there's a coupon for it. A good tip you can try out if you're into using coupons is to subscribe to the newsletter of all your favorite stores. This is a win-win scenario because the store is holding onto you as a consumer, and they in turn will provide you with special coupons that you can use. Once you have seen the power of coupons at the register, you will never go back to shopping without them. No matter what you buy, especially on a regular basis, coupons can literally save you thousands! Use this advice and hop on line or check out a newspaper to start saving those coupons and saving your money!
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