The Word of God Holistic Wellness Institute

"Helping The World DISCOVER THE WAY of LOVE!"

Sorry, no video. But I was a heel striker in my old running shoes and I know that there were definitely weird things going on in my gait that I suspect contributed to the hip injury that kept me sidelined for most of 2010. I¡¯m definitely forefoot striking now, not heel striking, and being a big guy it required a very slow and deliberate transition. I started out walking very short distances and ramped up the distances very, very slowly. I did it barefoot and the soles of my feet did a very good job limiting the distances for me and giving me feedback.

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I suppose that a picture from a race is the closest that runners feel to flying. This snapshot is a reminder of a good moment in time. I¡¯ve seen many race pictures of myself, both good and bad. The ones I like, as you may New Balance Femmes pas cher gather, are the ones with both feet off of the ground. I¡¯m not barreling towards a rim like Michael to dunk a basketball, but I too am defying gravity for a fraction of a second as I feel fast and free.

Clearly the measurements I provide below aren¡¯t perfect, and a far superior way to do this would be to cut the shoe in half lengthwise and measure thickness with a calipers (which for obvious reasons, I can¡¯t justify doing to my own shoes ¨C but Newton Running has a picture posted of one of their shoes cut in this manner ¨C see below).

I have Haglunds in BOTH heels. Doc says it is a genetic structure thing. When trying to convert to minimal drop shoes it got really irritated so i went with a bit ¡°less shoe¡± and use my custom orthotics that give me a bit of heel lift. Keeping my calf and soleus loose is a big key.

The heel pain started out gradually, went away as I warmed up, and went away the next day. Pretty typical story. It was always better before the next run and didn¡¯t affect my gait so I kept going. But over time it got worse, started swelling, etc. Finally after a 5 k on a very hilly course it got so painful and swollen that running was no longer possible. I stopped running and after the pain didn¡¯t go away with rest, I went to the doctor and got diagnosed with retrocalcaneal bursitis. A month of PT and anti-inflammatories didn¡¯t clear it up, so the doctor took X-rays which revealed a Haglund¡¯s defect, which is a large spur of bone extending from the calcaneus just behind the Achilles tendon (see photo below). The doctor recommended surgery to remove it. The spur was apparentl Nike Roshe Run pas cher y digging into the tendon and bursa and causing the inflammation.

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