The Word of God Holistic Wellness Institute

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When a visitor arrives at your niche website (niche meaning focused on a specific topic adidas superstar ii noir , do not deviate), there are 2 options to care for your guest. - 1st option is to get an opt-in, meaning the visitor gives you his email and name in exchange for information that you will email him later. Such emails will have a sales offer at the end of each email, gently reminding your reader the solutions you provide. This is a rapport building method over time. - 2nd option is to motivate the reader to purchase your product immediately. To do this, you'll need a compelling sales letter, one that will draw your readers to reach for their credit card and make a purchase. We'll touch on the 2nd option because if you can write a great sales letter, you will be equipped with the right ideas to formulate emails. A well written sales letter, read by a customer sitting on the fence will tip him in your favor. By scrolling through, reading and Re-reading your sales letter, the reader is sub-consciously convincing himself that your product is THE solution to his problems adidas superstar slip on noir , and furthermore, it is being recommended by an authority, namely you. It will not be surprising should customers make purchases with their credit cards even before they contact you. All you will be doing is not to hard sell, but provide customer service, because your sales letter has done the job for you, on autopilot even in your sleep. Thus, the value of a good sales letter? Priceless... The key ingredients of a Sales Letter should encompass the following: 1) Give Hope People are constantly searching for Hope. They believe that the next product they buy is the next secret to solving their problem. Refer to the diet advertisements that have beautiful models and success stories, and think of what they're trying to sell you on... that's right, HOPE! Often, a person will sell himself on the success stories adidas superstar fleur rose , purchase the product and then be inconsistent in consuming the supplement. With no results, he goes in search for the next miracle product. Should there be a money back guarantee on the product, most people don't take this up either because they forgot or simply don't wish to go through the hassle of requesting a refund. So invoke HOPE, it's used to sell anything from exercise equipment to golf clubs. Golf club manufacturers use HOPE by telling you that their golf clubs can help you hit the ball longer and straighter. 2) Create a Sense of Urgency Most people don't want to miss out on a good deal, so create an impulse within the reader to act. I'm sure you've come across an ad at a computer fair that says,"1st 100 customers to purchase today will get a 20% discount!" If you go back on the next day, the same promotion will be there, and you can't claim the promotion was a lie, because it is indeed a new offer for the 1st 100 customers for that new day. So the ad stays within the guidelines of truth but yet creates a sense of urgency that causes its targeted customers to act. 3) Position yourself as an Authority in the eyes of the reader If you have written sufficient blogs, articles adidas supercolor taille 38 , and forums, then most of the work is done. Readers want to know that a product they are buying is recommended by an expert because experts will not risk their reputation and career by recommending inferior products. 4) Promote fear Create fear by stating the dangers of consuming an inferior detox product. Instill the possibility of repercussions, problems if your reader does not buy a product of good repute. Note, do not degrade a competitor's product, so as to avoid legal implications. Just be general and simply state the downsides of using a non proven formula. Naturally, you'll want your product to have some history of success before using this technique. Otherwise it would be quite hypocritical. 5) Be innovative and unique There was once a super affiliate selling a high ticket price info product for USD1497. The innovative yet sincere approach was to inform his loyal customers via his sales letter, that this product was not for everyone, and neither did he, wish for those who could not afford it to purchase. This is because he did not want to be the cause of someone's financial woes, even though he was sure the product was a worthy investment. An approach like this brings the super affiliate across as someone down to earth adidas superstar supercolor bleu , matured and creates customer loyalty. Well thought out sales letters can be incorporated into your follow up emails using an Auto Responder. Auto Responders are a crucial investment if you like the "build rapport with your audience via email to make a sale" approach (sometimes necessary depending on the product). Author's Resource Box Sherman Choo is an Internet Marketer helping people all over the globe achieve Financial Freedom. To discover the best Internet Network Marketing business model that has helped thousands make money online and find out if this Internet Home Business is right for you. Visit==>http:www.success-universityArticle Source: The third in our four-part series of Hawaii vacations covers the "Big Island", as the island of Hawaii is most often referred to. As the natives (and longtime residents) like to say, there are only two seasons on the Big Island Hawaii: "summer," between May and October, and "winter," from October to April. The weather varies dramatically, though,--in terms of precipitation--from west to east. Hilo, on the east, or "wet" side of Big Island adidas superstar foundation noir , is the wettest city in the United States. Big Island Hawaii's "Kona" coast, (the dry west side), is the most popular destination. It offers accommodations and activities catering to the pure pursuit of FUN! Snorkeling, diving, kayaking and deep-sea fishing being the most popular. The island is also famous for its volcanoes. Kilauea is the most active volcano in the world. At times you can Watch lava flowing across the landscape at Volcanoes National Park. On the days when the vol.

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