The Word of God Holistic Wellness Institute

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Profit Machine Signal Service (TM) Download

There are now a growing number of documentaries on this topic Profit Machine Signal Service (TM) Review and on my Transgender Awareness Workshops I still use extracts from the Barbara Walters ABC documentary from 2007 - My Secret Self. That thankfully is still freely available on YouTube. Unfortunately in the past UK produced documentaries have not been well produced and are often insensitive to issues like appropriate pronouns. Transgender Kids however is excellent.


One of the key issues addressed in the programme was that of age. Is a child of five, old enough to make decisions that will impact the rest of their lives? Reading a number of comments on a Guardian Article about the programme it's clear that this is still a huge issue for people, though what is also clear is that most people simply do not understand how young people are treated and and worse, most of the commentators were referring to the journalist's much less detailed article and had not actually watched the programme itself.

The first important point to understand is that transgender kids do not undergo hormonal or surgical treatment until they reach puberty. As we saw in the programme, there are different degrees of "Gender Dysphoria" which is the underlying condition where a person experiences persistent discomfort or distress due to feeling that there is a mismatch between their biological sex and gender identity. We still don't know exactly what causes this - but there is growing evidence that is the result of hormonal imbalances during fetal development.

Although the UK is not as advanced in its treatment of transgender kids as the USA, there is a specialist Gender Identity Service for all gender non conforming children at the Tavistock and Portman Clinic in London and Leeds which will start treatment at onset of puberty. This treatment is to administer hormone blockers that suspend puberty. That means that the children will not experience the immediate irreversible effects of puberty which are known to be the primary trigger for suicidal actions. Hormone blockers do not cause any permanent changes.

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