The Word of God Holistic Wellness Institute
"Helping The World DISCOVER THE WAY of LOVE!"
Reverse Hair Loss Program Review It's pretty common knowledge that people who experience hair loss can also experience regrowth that is thinner and finer than is normal. This is the beginning stages of the thinning process. This is very common with hair loss conditions that involve androgen sensitivity that's been shrinking the hair follicles. One very common example of this is androgenetic alopecia. But what about hair loss conditions where the follicles aren't thought to be compromised like telogen effluvium shedding? There can be a lot of confusion as to whether or not miniaturization should be expected in that case.
Someone may express a concern like: "my primary care physician thinks that my hair loss is telogen effluvium because we introduced a new medication into my regimen. I have talked about this to some of my friends and one of them told me that when she gave birth, she had this condition and she said that her hair came back miniaturized afterward. She said her doctor told her that everyone's hair comes back more thin in this case. I've read just the opposite. I've read that since telogen effluvium doesn't shrink the follicles and only affects your hair loss cycles, you don't have to worry about miniaturization with this type of shedding. Who is right? Does miniaturization always happen? Or does it rarely or never happen?"
I'm certainly not a doctor. I'm just a lay person who has researched hair loss because of my own hair loss. But I think that you are closer to right. If you research this, you will see that much of the medical community feels that you are much more likely to see miniaturization with androgenetic alopecia. The reason is because the androgens eventually make the follicle become so small and compromised that it can't produce a healthy hair.
Reverse Hair Loss Program PDF The same can not be said in shedding caused by telogen effluvium. Theoretically, your hair is merely switching from resting to shedding. This happens naturally all of the time. Most of us lose more hair at certain times of the year. But once we pass this time period, our hair goes right back to shedding normally and when it grows back, it looks absolutely normal and it is not at all miniaturized. Well, telogen effluvium is the same process except for more hairs than usual go through this process because of some sort of change or trauma in the body. (Medications can cause this too.) Following this same line of thinking, since only the cycle has changed, the regrowth should not change and should be normal.
Except when it's not. I had some miniaturization after I had chronic telogen effluvium which approached a year long in its duration. And I know others that have gone through this too. Why does this happen? Again, I'm not a doctor. But my theory is that it's because of the inflammation of so much hair shedding out at once. I believe that the inflammation can cause miniaturization if it's severe or happens for a long period of time. I believe that's why people with chronic shedding are more likely to see this. I have also heard that some medications can cause thinner, more fine hair.
So it's my observation that this type of hair loss most definitely doesn't always cause miniaturization. Much of the time, it does not. I've known people with very short shedding periods who have a normal shed cycle and normal regrowth all within six months.
And I know that some specialists believe that the second you see fine, thin regrowth, you are looking at androgen driven loss. I don't necessarily fully agree with this in every situation. Because I've known more than a few people who had miniaturization with TE. And then after some time passed with relief from the shedding and a few cycles of sickly regrowth, the hair's appearance eventually returned to normal after a bit of freedom from the inflammation.
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