The Word of God Holistic Wellness Institute

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New 3D tours of the LHC released

Photographer Peter McCready has produced some new "virtual reality tours" of the world's largest particle accelerator. They're 3D panoramas you can explore online, spinning ugg bailey button triplet boots sand 1873 the view around and zooming in to see details.

I was thrilled to come across his work last year because his photographs beautifully capture the vastness of the experiments built to study what happens at when protons smash head on at the Large Hadron Collider.

McCready's latest photos are from last August, just a few days before physicists circulated the first protons around the 27 kilometre ring. It is the closest you can get to ugg bailey button boots chestnut experiencing the sight of the 12,000 tonne CMS detector without actually being there. Drag your mouse around and you'll get a sense of just how big the detector is.

One of my favourites, though, is taken in the CMS control room.

It's not the most spectacular of his photographs. But on 10 September

last year, that room was packed with physicists excitedly charting the

progress of the protons and monitoring how the various detectors that

make up CMS were responding. It was standing room only on the day. This

photo shows the calm before the storm.

McReady has asked me what if there are any other science projects

that would benefit from UGG Boots On Sale 70% Off this rather special form of photography. One

already on his wish list is the Very Large Telescope in northern Chile, which featured in the latest Bond film, Quantum of Solace.

I'd like to see photographs taken on top of Mauna Kea on the Big Island of Hawaii. It is home to many of the world's leading observatories and the views are simply stunning.

The US National Ignition Facility a vast laser laboratory that opened last month

at the Lawrence ugg bailey button boots 5803 black Livermore National Laboratory ugg bailey button triplet boots sand 1873 would be another I'd

like to see. Even better would be standing next to the space shuttle on

its launch pad at Kennedy Space Center.

Can you suggest any scientific sights that McCready should capture in 3D?

It is 40 years since I last made an idiot boy point about a CERN accelerator design, but here seems to be a surprising amount of big structural, etc., metal components in these pictures.

Given cyrogenic temperatures, isn't it much easier to work with fibre reinforced resin structures which avoid much of the thermal distortion and magnetic stresses associated with steel, etc.? and are substantially lighter weight? Is it possible that designing more in FRP would reduce failure risks and repair down time?

That is the problem concerning to the humankind for a long time. And we always thought that the universe is created from the elementary particles, but perhaps we also always agree with Geoffrey Chew's idea : "A truly elementary particle completely devoid of internal structure could not be subject to any forces that would allow us to detect its existence. The mere knowledge of a particle's existence, that is to say, implies that the particle possesses internal structure!" (1).

And it must be completely homogeneous, each its debris must be intact itself not different, it could not be subject to the space and time

With that particularities, the elementary particle could not exist in the our world, even though in the subatomic world.

So, why do we always thought that it must be a smallest particle?

Why can not it be an unlimited one, contains all motive laws of the universe?

And there is only the unlimited one that contains all the particularities of an elementary particle.

Therefore, universe is just one the unlimited and homogeneous entity, with an inherent internal energy in oscillations form, in which, the material is mere the sets of internal oscillations of that entity.

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