The Word of God Holistic Wellness Institute

"Helping The World DISCOVER THE WAY of LOVE!"

If you have a new website the first thing you want to do is gain more traffic. Without traffic you have no visitors, without visitors you have no sales, without sales you have no income. There are so many ways to gain free traffic on the Internet. I want to give you five ways 50K Mission Review to instantly attract more visitors to your website. The first way to get free traffic is to write a great quality article. In that article talk about your niche product or service. It is best to give tips, or general how-to information. Create content that attracts visitors back to your website every day. If you can create 2 to 3 articles per day this will attract a ton of free traffic to your website.

If you haven't noticed YouTube is the biggest video sharing website on the Internet. This site allows you to upload your own homemade videos and then add a link in the description back to your website. What I like to do is take the article that I wrote and creative a video out of it. I like to use software called Camtasia. The software will make a video out of your computer screen. Take your article and create a PowerPoint presentation. Then use your video software, show the presentation, and record what is on your screen. This gives you a nice quality video that you can upload to YouTube, and will give you lots of free traffic. If you have your own blog great, you can add your articles to your blog. If you don't have a blog, go to, and create a free blogging account. WordPress is a great software for organizing a website's content. As you post your articles people will be able to comment on your article.

As more and more people read your blog and comment this will drive more traffic to your website. Ad swaps are a great way to advertise your website through the help of others. You form a partnership with another website owners. Both of you will promote each other's product. This will drive a lots of free targeted traffic back to your website. Take your articles and create an e-book than give it away on your website. But in return for giving away your e-book you collect an e-mail address. Once you've collected the email you can now send out autoreponder messages every week with new content. And each week you will be able to promote any new product that you create. This builds you a big e-mail list of people interested in your product.

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