The Word of God Holistic Wellness Institute
"Helping The World DISCOVER THE WAY of LOVE!"
Golden Binary Profits Review From a very young age I was told that I could be whatever and whoever I wanted. I call myself a female, but if I were to label myself as a male or transsexual my family would not care. My parents used to tell me that I am "love and loved". That is what my ideal society would be built off of. As individuals and as a society it is not our job to pass judgement or inhibit the rights of those who label themselves as gay, lesbian, male, female, transsexual, intersexual, or anything in between. Thus I am left with one question, why do we even care so much? It can be said that the foundation of American history and society is rooted in gender. Throughout elementary and middle school I was taught that men founded our United States, and that they were the honorable beings of our civilization. They were the ones who fought for our freedom. Women were supposedly the homemakers. We cooked all three meals, did the laundry, grocery shopped, and raised the children, all of which were done with a full face of makeup and a smile. This is where our current society is split, and where we have made the most progress. We can no longer state factually that men bare the label of fortitude and women carry the label of domestication. I know many men who are stay at home fathers and countless women who are the bread winners for their families. Are these men feminine and are these women masculine? For example, this morning in my sociology class we were discussing this concept.
Children should be able to choose what or who they want to be, but for many if not most, being gay, lesbian, and transsexual is not a choice. It is how they were born. If my son wants to wear pink nail polish or red lipstick I will let him. If my daughter wants to play with transformers and change her name I will let her. I believe that gender is entirely manufactured by society. We were not given the right to referee who is who. We were all born as equals onto this Earth. That is exactly how we should treat each other. Lost and alone,runaway galaxiesare relatively small blobs of stars that have been ruthlessly hurled from their comfortable homes in the galaxy clusters that they once inhabited, to wander through the dark, cold emptiness of intergalactic space. So far, astronomers have spotted 11 of these solitary, tragic galactic wanders; small collections of stars that are bigger than stellar clusters, but smaller than typical galaxies, and they span only a few hundred light-years. By comparison, our large, star-blazing, barred-spiral Milky Way Galaxy is an impressive 100,000 light-years across. In April 2015, astronomers announced their discovery of these small, solitary galactic exiles--and all of them arecompact ellipticalsthat normally weigh-in at less than 1000 times that of a galaxy like our own!
This process of coalescence is generally thought to have resulted in the large galaxies inhabiting today's Cosmos, in what is termed the process of"hierarchicalmerging".If this model is correct,dwarf galaxiesare really the ancient building blocks of today's gigantic galaxies. However, there is an alternative explanation. According to this suggestion,dwarf ellipticalscould be the relics of low-mass spiral galaxies that acquired a rounder shape due to the influence of repeated gravitational interactions with giant galaxies within their cluster. This process of altering a galaxy's morphology by interactions with other galaxies has been colorfully termed"galaxy harassment".Evidence supporting this alternative model has been found in the shape acquired by stellar disks and spiral arms of spiral galaxies. Under this hypothesis, the disks and arms are really a modified version of the original stellar disk of the transformed spiral galaxy--and similarly, tiny relics of disks and spiral arms are embedded within the "harassed"dwarf ellipticals. An object is considered to be a "runaway" if it manages to travel faster than escape velocity, which basically means that it will fly screaming away from its home never to return again. So far, astronomers know of about two dozen runaway stars, and have even spotted one runaway stellar cluster speeding away from its home forever. In the case of a runaway star, escape velocity is more than a million miles per hour.
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