The Word of God Holistic Wellness Institute

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Slash High Blood Pressure-A Look at Sepsis

Blood presses against the arteries when it is circulated throughout the body. This force is what is considered blood pressure. Extra stress is placed on the heart when the pressure is too high, which leads to the arterial walls becoming distorted, narrowed, or thickened.Depending on daily Slash High Blood Pressure activities such as exercise, stress, joy, or anger, blood pressure may rise temporarily. However, once the situation resolves itself or passes by, the pressure usually returns back to normal. Unfortunately, in some individuals, the pressure remains high on a continuous basis. According to statistics, more than 50 million Americans suffer with this problem, which is also known as hypertension.

In addition to the 50 million Americans that suffer from hypertension, half of them are over the age of 65. High blood pressure can lead to incapacitating conditions such as: stroke, diabetes, heart disease, eye damage, as well as kidney problems, therefore, it is considered one of the country's top medical concerns.High blood pressure shows very little symptoms. However, some symptoms may include unexplained headaches, nosebleeds, dizziness, or sweating. But most of the time it shows no symptoms at all. Therefore, it is crucial for you to get your pressure checked on a regular basis.Once again modern conveniences have changed our lives by eliminating or reducing the physical activity required in almost every facet of our life. Exercise now has to be a choice rather than a necessity.

This is a condition that does not discriminate and it can strike at any age, however, it usually strikes the elderly, African Americans as well as people from all races living in the southeastern part of the United States. If you're considered a high risk for this disease depending on the categories just mentioned, or if you have a family history of hypertension you should get checked regularly as well as take some precautionary measures to ensure that you do not suffer any long-term complications.Most of the cases of hypertension stems from what is called primary or essential hypertension, which means that there is no specific disease or cause that is obvious. In these primary or essential cases, lifestyle factors are to blame.

Lifestyle activities that can contribute to hypertension are: lack of exercise, diet, stress, and smoking. In addition, if you're pressure is elevated because of a disease or condition such as: kidney, cardiovascular, adrenal, or thyroid disorders, it is called secondary hypertension.Fortunately, essential hypertension can be controlled or reversed with home remedies or herbal treatments, however, keep in mind that any hypertension should be under the close watch of a physician.All of our muscles, particularly as we age, need to be regularly exercised if they are to retain their tone and strength. That includes the muscle called the heart. If the heart is weakened then it can not pump blood as efficiently as it is designed to do. Toss in a corrupted blood vessel system that has lost its elasticity and is now blocked with plaque and you have the makings for a major cause of high blood pressure.

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