The Word of God Holistic Wellness Institute

"Helping The World DISCOVER THE WAY of LOVE!"

Tips for making super healthy coffee with 3.

To start with, you need to AVOID adding any refined sugar or dangerous synthetic sweeteners. What I actually do instead is use the really small hint of organic maple syrup or even a package of organic stevia to just gently enhance my coffee.

In addition you should try to AVOID without exceptions any one of those bad artificial creamers (fluid or powder), that are usually made out of corn syrup solids and hydrogenated oils (hazardous trans-fats). Alternatively, make use of a little bit of REAL full-fat cream (natural grass-fed because the CLA in grass-fed cream is quite healthy), if you can find it.

If you prefer to load your coffee up with more healthy antioxidants and excellent taste, consider trying some additional cinnamon to-your coffee (cinnamon might help control blood glucose and has many other health benefits). It's also really delicious in coffee!

The thick frothy coconut-milk because it is full of tremendous balanced fats may be the option for coffee creamer called medium chain triglycerides (MCTs), that are proven to boost your immunity system and your metabolism! Plus, coconut-milk in coffee is simply ordinary de-licious! It is the best healthy creamer option by far.

Last but not least, it's extremely important to select organic coffee beans, as old-fashioned coffee is one of the most intensely handled crops with pesticides, fungicides, and herbicides. Recall that among the several health problems with these chemicals is that some pesticides can behave as 'xenoestrogens' within you, disrupting hormone stability for both men and women. so select natural as frequently as you can with many meals, but particularly with coffee! More on our site food drink.

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