Author’s notes - Elisabetta Errani Emaldi
The subjects “The Witch Queen of Orient Sun”, Lhundrup Dhechen (Great Blessing), “In the Tunnel of Death, the Labyrinth of Life” and “The Common Artisans of Love” are true stories, happened to myself. As I am the protagonist of the scripts, it would be possible to make of them four films or a TV Serial of seven instalments for a total of 10 hours and 30 minutes.
It is understandable that the so called world of the paranormal phenomenon’s shun at the comprehension of many people and above all to the people that never had this kind of experience; that’s the reason why I would like to tell to anybody who will read my synopsis (if they have doubts about the truthfulness of what I have written), I am willing to be submitted to the lie detector any time.
Such a determination can come only from the desire to give to the world a positive message and a psychological help in those difficult periods; when terrorism and natural disasters kill people and sow fear and dejections on the earth.
The stories in the world will give a message to the mass-media and over all to the young people: will leave in heredity a real experience that will permit to understand better the brain mysteries, the human unconscious and surly will help the people to accept all religions. Those projects are born above all to give a message and to return public my experience that
Elisabetta Errani Emaldi wrote 4 novels and 8 screenplays. Titles of the Novels and screenplays:
“The Witch Queen of Orient Sun”, Lhundrup Dhechen (Great Blessing), “In the Tunnel of Death, the Labyrinth of Life”, “The Common Artisans of Love”, “Sound of the Cry”, “The Doctor of the Bloom Wood”, "The Doctor Mesedé of Gounou-Gaya” and "The Country of the Thousand Hills”. The stories of her novels and screenplays are true.
Elisabetta wrote her novels and 4 screenplays inspired from the mysterious and extraordinary paranormal World, in which she is directly involved.
On 1992 doctor Massimo Inardi (now dead), who was the President of the Centre of Parapsychology of Bologna, speaking of the author and about her literary productions said: Elisabetta ‘has been living for many years paranormal experiences of telepathy, clairvoyance and over all precognitive”.
Elisabetta, during her extraordinary experiences on board of the ship "Orient Sun" sent from Singapore, her premonitory dreams and a cassette with the testimonies of the officers to the famous American scientist doctor David Ryback, from Atlanta.
Because of this gift, Elisabetta for many years, dedicated herself to the study of the unconscious and dreams. As a specialist of this matter has participated to a lot of televisions programs of private broadcasting TV stations and she has done conferences.
Elisabetta Errani Emaldi's Blog

God’s smile
high, judgments, thoughts of
Elizabeth Errani Emaldi
If we pollute Mather Earth, we also poison ourselves and our future.
Who does not respect nature is an involved man separated from love for himself and for humanity.
The depressed does not know that he is the victim of himself, because he does not realize that the thought is energy that creates, then he… Continue
Posted on November 30, 2009 at 12:22pm

True stories
The synopsis of Elisabetta’s screenplays are also
published in thousands webs sites all around the world
5 Loglines of the screenplays by Elizabeth Errani Emaldi
My site web:…
Posted on November 30, 2009 at 12:18pm
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