The Word of God Holistic Wellness Institute

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Arthritis Symptoms

Arthritis Risk

Having arthritis is common in most people of the world. Even though it is a very common disease, it is painful and very incurable at the moment. You can be at risk for getting arthritis and you may not even know it. Some of the conditions cannot be changed but there are a number of things that you can do to prevent arthritis from happening to you later on in life. Take a look at the risk in your life and what you can do to prevent arthritis from happening to you and causing great pain in your life.

You must first understand arthritis. It can affect anyone of any age, gender or race. Even babies at a young age of six months can develop arthritis. It is true that your risks will increase after the age of 40. There are different things that can increase your risk of arthritis as well. For example sports injuries can often occur and it is necessary to continue treating your injury throughout your life to prevent more serious conditions later on in life.

Weight is very important when it comes to having arthritis. If you are more than 30 pounds overweight, having this extra stress can affect your joints and create arthritis pain. Having a good healthy weight and exercising and eating right is very important when it comes to your health.

Genetics will also play a very important part in the development of arthritis. There is not much that you can do to counteract it. However if you live a good and healthy life, you can lower the risk of arthritis conditions in your body at a young age. Women are more at risk than men for getting different kinds of arthritis pain. This is because of the hormonal changes that a woman will go through. Keeping hormones in order by seeing your doctor regularly will put you at a lower risk for arthritis. African Americans are more likely to have lupus, which is an arthritic disease. Caucasians are at a larger risk for getting rheumatoid arthritis. There are certain groups of Americans that are at risk for getting certain type of arthritis.

If you are at a greater risk for arthritis, you need to take the right steps to reduce your chances of getting a disease. Having a healthy lifestyle by eating right and exercising well is going to keep you at a lower risk. Even though arthritis can be difficult to deal with, you can prevent it from happening.

Arthritic Insomnia

If you are dealing with arthritis, one of the hardest things to deal with is the insomnia. The sleeping disorder is going to prevent you from getting the rest that you need to stay healthy and this will in return make your arthritis worse. It can be a terrible cycle that you are dealing with. There are many things that you can do to take on arthritis and it is important to consider all of the options so that you can get a better night’s rest every time you go to bed.

Having insomnia is figured out by a number of problems. You must first have difficulty falling asleep. Many people will experience this at some point in their life. However if you are frequently finding it hard to drift off to sleep, you may want to talk to your doctor about it. If you are waking up often through the night for no good reason, this is a symptom too. This will usually happen to everyone and more so to people if they are new parents. If you are finding that you are constantly tossing and turning more than once a week, you are probably dealing with insomnia. Some with insomnia will sleep throughout the night. Their problem may be that they wake up too early or they do not feel refreshed after many hours of sleep. It will depend on how frequently insomnia happens for you and if you can be diagnosed with short-term insomnia, intermittent insomnia or chronic insomnia.

Anyone that suffers from arthritis will also find that they have chronic insomnia or insomnia that does not go away and occurs for a long time period. There are many reasons that chronic insomnia is found in people that do have arthritis. The pain will keep some awake at night and will occur with illness but some of the patients find that their joints are painful and inflamed after they do activity. A second reason of insomnia due to arthritis is a high level of stress that most patients with arthritis have. Worrying about an appointment with a doctor can cause a person to stay awake all night long. There is no difference for any patient that is young and just recently diagnosed or older and has had the problem of arthritis for many years. Insomnia can be a side of effect of the medicine that is used to treat arthritis. These medicines may rid the pain but can make you stay up all night. Without taking the medication, you may also be awake all night with pain.

There are a number of ideas that a person can do for insomnia. You are not alone is the first step. You need to talk to your doctor about any medications that you are taking that keep you up all night. There are going to be side effects of drugs and they can be addicting as well. Taking the right steps to take the stress out of your life is going to help you sleep better at night too. You and your doctor are the only people that can take the right course of action to fix the insomnia in your life. Talk to them and get a good night’s sleep because it is essential for healthy living.

Paget’s disease

There are different kinds of arthritic conditions. There are over 100 and one of these conditions is a very debilitating disorder that is called Paget’s disease. This type of arthritis is usually going to affect patients who are in their later years of life. This will be between the ages of 50 and 70. This is a chronic skeletal condition that is similar to osteoarthritis. It is sometimes misdiagnosed. Paget’s disease can be painful and make life hard but there are many things that you can do to prevent this disease from happening as well as a number of treatments if you have already started to get the disease.

Paget’s disease is characterized by enlarged and deformed bone structure in one or more parts of the body. The pelvis, legs, skull and back are more commonly affected with the disease and it can result in high amounts of arthritic pain and can also account for hearing loss that starts in the skull. The patient’s bones are fragile and fractures can happen easily. There is no one-way of cause for Paget’s disease but there are many things that a person can do if they develop this type of pain.

Paget’s Disease can occur when the enzyme SAP is overly produced in the bones and causing it to grow abnormally and start to be weak. Measuring SAP is what doctors can do to determine if the pain that you are having is due to Paget’s even if you may see some other signs like bowed limbs. SAP is measured often with a blood test and higher than normal levels along with normal kidney function. Doctors will also use SAP level readings to chart how patients are reacting to different forms of treatment for their conditions.

Bisphosponates and calcitonin are the two types of drugs that are ready by the Food and Drug Administration to treat Paget’s disease. There are doctors that may sometimes recommend surgery for fractures or extreme deformities. There are alternative medical treatments that can also help patients cope with the pain. This will include acupuncture, massage, cupping, medication, and Eastern exercises like Yoga.

It is important to remain positive with the treatment. Paget’s Disease can be extremely painful but it is possible for patients to live even when they are suffering from the disease. You need to learn all that you can about the illness and stay educated on new medications and treatments so that you can take good care of your body and keep healthy.

Arthritis Support

There are millions of Americans that suffer from the pain of arthritis and related conditions all the time. The most important thing to know is that you are not alone in this suffering. Many times you may feel like you are the only one going through this disease, but there are others that feel the same way that you do. Arthritis can be a very hard problem to understand and many patients who suffer from arthritis will feel like they are alone and confused. However, with some help, you can meet and talk to others that are dealing with the same pain of arthritis conditions. Joining one of the many different arthritis support groups will help you feel better about your condition and give you a better outlook on life.

The Arthritis Foundation is one of the non-profit organizations that were formed for those that have arthritis. There are over 100 different conditions that are related to arthritis and this foundation has worked hard to meet those needs and concerns for people. This organization will help to give out information about arthritic conditions as well as work as an advocate for the patients that are dealing with arthritis. They will sponsor medical research for the condition and hope to find a cure for it one day. The Arthritis Foundation will join in with many other organizations and companies to bring patients the service that they need. Their website will help those that are suffering and the family members and friends that want to learn more about how they can help and donate money towards arthritis research. You can also join an online organization and benefit from their different member services.

When you are looking for something on a personal level, you need to first find a local arthritis group and talk to your doctor about it. Usually hospitals will sponsor these types of support groups and help people cope with different disease and pain. Arthritis is no different. A local group will usually meet with others that are dealing with arthritis and get feedback on how to cope in daily life. These community groups are going to be lifelong friends and you can learn to live better and be more optimistic. You can check your local newspapers if your doctor does not know where to find a support group. You can even start your own group! If no support group exists in your town, there may be a huge need for someone to head up this type of project.

A support group is an important way for children that are suffering from arthritis as well. Arthritis is a condition that is usually more common with age; many children will feel isolated because they have it at such a young age. The children’s wing of your local hospital may be able to help you find a support group. It makes no difference what age you are, you can get benefits from the community or support group when you have arthritis. You need to look online and talk to your doctor about more information on this subject.

Rheumatoid Arthritis

Rheumatoid arthritis is a chronic, multi system, and inflammatory autoimmune disorder that will bring on an attack to the joints. It is a very crippling and painful condition that can lead to loss of mobility to the pain and joint devastation. Rheumatoid arthritis is systemic and will also affect different tissues through the body, skin, blood vessels, heart, lungs and muscles. Rheumatoid arthritis will affect anyone between the ages of 20 and 40 and can start anytime. A family history is important to the risk. It is three times more common in women than in men and up to four times more common in smokers than non-smokers.

The symptoms will separate rheumatoid arthritis from other types of arthritis because of the inflammation and soft tissue swelling of many joints at the same time. This is known as polyarthritis. The joints are usually affected asymmetrically and then will go on to the symmetrical part as the disease goes on. It is not like the other forms of arthritis like osteoarthrits because the pain will move with the use of the joints that are affected.

As the disease goes on, the inflammatory activity will lead to the erosion and destruction of the joints that will impair their range of movement and lead to some deformity. The fingers and the bones will deviate to the outside and towards the small finger and take on unnatural shapes. Having deformities in patients that are dealing with rheumatoid arthritis will include the Boutonnière deformity, the swan neck deformity, and the “Z-thumb” deformity.

Because rheumatoid arthritis is a multisystem disease, other disease and conditions may form as a result of it. Many of the people that have rheumatoid arthritis will also have anemia. Anemia is a problem of the red blood cells because there are not enough of them and or the hemoglobin and this will cause the lower ability of oxygen to be taken to the tissues. It is a chronic disease and many will suffer from it and splenomegaly or the enlarging of the spleen. Felty’s syndrome and Sjogren’s syndrome which is an autoimmune disorder in which the cells attack and ruin the exocrine glands and produce salvia and tears. Dermological will affect nodules on exterior surfaces. Fibrosis may occur in the lungs at any time or as a result of different treatments.

There are several things for diagnosing rheumatoid arthritis. Having stiffness in the morning that goes on for longer than one hour is an example as is the arthritis and soft tissue swelling of more than three out of 14 joints or in the joint groups. Arthritis of hand joints like symmetric arthritis, subcutaneous nodules in specific places, a rheumatoid factor at a level above the 95th place and radiological changes that are suggested of joint erosion and are part of the criteria. There are at least four of these things hat have to be met in order to establish a diagnoses.

The treatments for rheumatoid arthritis are going to be placed in disease modifying antirheumatic drugs or (DMARDS), anti inflammatory agents and analgesics. DMARDS is known to start durable remissions and delay the disease process, prevent bone and joint damage as well. Anti inflammatory agents and analgesics can help to improve pain and stiffness but do not stop any damage or slow down the disease in any way.

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The Loving Touch - Of all the treasures of learning that Europeans have acquired from the Far East, Kama Sutra is perhaps the best known, along with Yoga and Buddhism. Starting with the industrial revolution of the late 18th century and the advent of fashionable foreign traveling, Europe and Northern America have been flooded with art objects, ideas, values and philosophy from the Far East that changed, to a certain extent, our way of thinking.

Need For Speeding - If you're into fast cars and racing, you'll know that there are a lot of things you can tweak on your car to make it perform better; engine, suspension, wheel and tire modifications can all make a big difference, but one key auto part that many people overlook is the brakes. I started autocrossing two years ago in my Subaru WRX. It's a great car to learn on; the turbocharged 4-cylinder boxer engine packs enough punch to accelerate quickly and the AWD not only helps you get the car up to speed quickly, but it helps you carry the speed through the corners too.

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At 12:23am on September 3, 2009, Drs Joshua and Sherilyn Smith said…
Welcome to Holistic Wellness and Health...

Your participation in our social network is appreciated. Becoming familiar with and assisting those involved, we value your support in utilizing your membership in whatever way you can. Our goal is to develop a serious, fun and exciting approach to identify, promote and realize obtainable options in health, education and social services...

Through our many Holistic Wellness Celebrations, Annual Marine Corps Toy for Tots Drive, Absolutely Healthy Chocolate Campaign, Annual Congressional/Government Awards Ceremony and Dinner; as well as, e-commerce website development, nonprofit certification and licensing training program, we have worked very hard to demonstrate with those who are motivated by personal example, instruction and hands-on training, how to consistently help and encourage the less fortunate, discouraged and distressed of all walks of life.

Through joining our membership-based nonprofit organization for $100, Loving to Learn Association can assist you in developing a nonprofit portfolio, earning multiple income streams for humanitarian and philantropic effort and at the same time receiving legal tax write-offs, benefits and shelters, reducing "the public burden" of our local, state and national government.

If you are willing in your area of expertise to become a child, family and community resource/referral agent or agency for crisis intervention, you can make a tremendous contribution to mankind or humanity without costing you much or distracting you from your vision, goals and objectives in life. You can actually end up with much more"to gain"...

If you are interested in finding out how to, indirectly or directly, play a role in the lives of someone in need of assistance without costing you much time, effort or money, please give us a call... (323) 73-LIGHT or review our website: Loving to Learn Association You can, also, email us: Thanks for your involvement!
We Love YOU, now!

Dr. Joshua and Evangelist Sherilyn Smith
Founders, Chief Executive Officers and Overseer and His Successor, A Corporation Sole of Loving to Learn Association
At 5:52am on January 10, 2010, Drs Joshua and Sherilyn Smith said…

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